gcs_wait>: Wait for a file in Google Cloud Storage

gcs_wait> operator can be used to wait for file to appear in Google Cloud Storage.

  gcs_wait>: my_bucket/some/file

  gcs_wait>: gs://my_bucket/some/file


When you set those parameters, use digdag secrets command.


  • gcs_wait>: URI | BUCKET/OBJECT

    Google Cloud Storage URI or path of the file to wait for.


    gcs_wait>: my-bucket/my-directory/my-data.gz


    gcs_wait>: gs://my-bucket/my-directory/my-data.gz
  • bucket: NAME

    The GCS bucket where the file is located. Can be used together with the object parameter instead of putting the path on the operator command line.

  • object: PATH

    The GCS path of the file. Can be used together with the bucket parameter instead of putting the path on the operator command line.

Output parameters

  • gcs_wait.last_object

    Information about the detected file.

          "metadata": {
              "bucket": "my_bucket",
              "contentType": "text/plain",
              "crc32c": "yV/Pdw==",
              "etag": "CKjJ6/H4988CEAE=",
              "generation": 1477466841081000,
              "id": "my_bucket/some/file",
              "kind": "storage#object",
              "md5Hash": "IT4zYwc3D23HpSGe3nZ85A==",
              "mediaLink": "https://www.googleapis.com/download/storage/v1/b/my_bucket/o/some%2Ffile?generation=1477466841081000&alt=media",
              "metageneration": 1,
              "name": "some/file",
              "selfLink": "https://www.googleapis.com/storage/v1/b/my_bucket/o/some%2Ffile",
              "size": 4711,
              "storageClass": "STANDARD",
              "timeCreated": {
                  "value": 1477466841070,
                  "dateOnly": false,
                  "timeZoneShift": 0
              "updated": {
                  "value": 1477466841070,
                  "dateOnly": false,
                  "timeZoneShift": 0

Note: The gcs_wait> operator makes use of polling with exponential backoff. As such there might be some time interval between a file being created and the gcs_wait> operator detecting it.