Release 0.6.1 ================================== CLI changes ------------------ * All commands support ``-c, --config PATH`` argument. Default is ``~/.digdag/config``. * Client-mode commands (``start``, ``push``, etc.) no longer read ``~/.digdag/`` file. * ``run``, ``push``, and ``check`` commands use ``params.KEY = VALUE`` parameters written in ``~/.digdag/config`` file. This is useful to set default parameters such as hostname, username, and password of a remote service. * ``run`` command stores status files in ``.digdag/status`` instead of ``digdag.status``. * Command exited with a error no longer shows stacktrace. * ``header.KEY = VALUE`` parameters are changed to ``client.http.headers.KEY = VALUE``. * ``endpoint = HOST:PORT`` parameter is changed to ``client.http.endpoint = http[s]://HOST:PORT``. * Client-mode commands support SSL (https). * Parameters on task groups are validated. If a task group includes an unknown key (such as ``parallel``), digdag shows a suggestion (such as ``did mean [_parallel]?``) and exits. * JVM version check runs only with ``run``, ``scheduler`` and ``server`` commands. Other commands such as ``push`` and ``workflows`` can use older version of JDK 8. * ``_retry: N`` option on a task group works. * ``digdag`` without command name no longer runs ``run`` command implicitly. * Built-in authentication mechanism is removed. ``genapikey`` command is removed. ``-a, --apikey`` option is removed. Server mode changes ------------------- * Added access logging. Disabled by default. ``-A, --access-log DIR`` parameter enables it. Release Date ------------------ 2016-04-22 Contributors ------------------ * Daniel Norberg * Sadayuki Furuhashi