# td_load>: Treasure Data bulk loading **td_load>** operator loads data from storages, databases, or services. +step1: td_load>: config/guessed.yml database: prod table: raw ## Examples * [Examples](https://github.com/treasure-data/workflow-examples/tree/master/td_load) ## Secrets When you set those parameters, use [digdag secrets command](https://docs.digdag.io/command_reference.html#secrets). * **td.apikey**: API_KEY The Treasure Data API key to use when submitting Treasure Data bulk load jobs. ## Options * **td_load>**: FILE.yml Path to a YAML template file. This configuration needs to be guessed using td command. If you saved DataConnector job on Treasure Data, you can use [Unique ID](https://tddocs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PD/pages/1083717/Creating+a+YAML+Incremental+Data+Transfer+File#Configuring-your-Unique-ID-Incremental-Data-Transfer) instead of YAML path. Examples: ``` td_load>: imports/load.yml ``` ``` td_load>: unique_id ``` * **database**: NAME Name of the database load data to. Examples: ``` database: my_database ``` * **table**: NAME Name of the table load data to. Examples: ``` table: my_table ``` * **endpoint**: ADDRESS API endpoint (default: api.treasuredata.com). * **use_ssl**: BOOLEAN Enable SSL (https) to access to the endpoint (default: true). ## Output parameters * **td.last_job_id** or **td.last_job.id** The job id this task executed. Examples: ``` 52036074 ``` * **td.last_job.num_records** The number of records of this job output. Examples: ``` 10 ```