# td_ddl>: Treasure Data operations **td_ddl>** operator runs an operational task on Treasure Data. _export: td: database: www_access +step1: td_ddl>: create_tables: ["my_table_${session_date_compact}"] +step2: td_ddl>: drop_tables: ["my_table_${session_date_compact}"] +step3: td_ddl>: empty_tables: ["my_table_${session_date_compact}"] +step4: td_ddl>: rename_tables: [{from: "my_table_${session_date_compact}", to: "my_table"}] If you would like to specify a different database which is not declared with _export, you can specify the database name under the options as below. _export: td: database: test_db1 +task1: td_ddl>: create_tables: [test_ddl1, test_ddl2] database: test_db2 ## Secrets When you set those parameters, use [digdag secrets command](https://docs.digdag.io/command_reference.html#secrets). * **td.apikey:** API_KEY The Treasure Data API key to use when performing Treasure Data operations. ## Options * **create_tables**: [ARRAY OF NAMES] Create new tables if not exists. Examples: ``` create_tables: [my_table1, my_table2] ``` * **empty_tables**: [ARRAY OF NAME] Create new tables (drop it first if it exists). Examples: ``` empty_tables: [my_table1, my_table2] ``` * **drop_tables**: [ARRAY OF NAMES] Drop tables if exists. Examples: ``` drop_tables: [my_table1, my_table2] ``` * **rename_tables**: [ARRAY OF {to:, from:}] Rename a table to another name (override the destination table if it already exists). Examples: ``` rename_tables: [{from: my_table1, to: my_table2}] ``` * **create_databases**: [ARRAY OF NAMES] Create new databases if not exists. Examples: ``` create_databases: [my_database1, my_database2] ``` * **empty_databases**: [ARRAY OF NAME] Create new databases (drop it first if it exists). Examples: ``` empty_databases: [my_database1, my_database2] ``` .. note:: Database permissions for the restricted users are not inherited. You need to grant permission again after ran `empty_databases`. * **drop_databases**: [ARRAY OF NAMES] Drop databases if exists. Examples: ``` drop_databases: [my_database1, my_database2] ``` * **endpoint**: ADDRESS API endpoint (default: api.treasuredata.com). * **use_ssl**: BOOLEAN Enable SSL (https) to access to the endpoint (default: true).